Mid-circuit operations using the omg-architecture in neutral atom arrays


We implement mid-circuit operations in a 48-site array of neutral atoms, enabled by new methods for control of the omg\textit{omg} (optical-metastable-ground state qubit) architecture present in 171{}^{171}Yb. We demonstrate laser-based control of ground, metastable and optical qubits with average single-qubit fidelities of Fg=99.968(3)F_{g} = 99.968(3), Fm=99.12(4)F_{m} = 99.12(4) and Fo=99.804(8)F_{o} = 99.804(8). With state-sensitive shelving between the ground and metastable states, we realize a non-destructive state-detection for 171^{171}Yb, and reinitialize in the ground state with either global control or local feed-forward operations. We use local addressing of the optical clock transition to perform mid-circuit operations, including measurement, spin reset, and motional reset in the form of ground-state cooling. In characterizing mid-circuit measurement on ground-state qubits, we observe raw errors of 1.8(6)%1.8(6)\% on ancilla qubits and 4.5(1.0)%4.5(1.0)\% on data qubits, with the former (latter) uncorrected for 1.0(2)%1.0(2)\% (2.0(2)%2.0(2)\%) preparation and measurement error; we observe similar performance for mid-circuit reset operations. The reported realization of the omg\textit{omg} architecture and mid-circuit operations are door-opening for many tasks in quantum information science, including quantum error-correction, entanglement generation, and metrology

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