
Two remarks on the homology of group extensions


In this note we apply a particular technique to obtain information on the homology homomorphism ε*: H*(G; A) → H* (Q; A) associated with a group extension and a Q-module A. The technique consists of using ε itself to pull-back (0.1); that is, we construct the pull-back extension induced from (0.1) by ε. This, however, is nothing but the semidirect product, N G, of N and G, with G operating on the left on N by conjugation. Thus we obtain from (0.1) the commutative diagram where ε1 is the projection and et is the multiplication ε1(n, x) = nx,nN,xG. We now apply the Lyndon-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence functor to (0.2) and carry out computations in dimensions 2 and

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