
Growth rates of amenable groups


Let Fm be a free group with m generators and let R be a normal subgroup such that Fm /R projects onto ℤ. We give a lower bound for the growth rate of the group Fm / R′(where R′ is the derived subgroup of R) in terms of the length ρ= ρ(R) of the shortest non-trivial relation in R. It follows that the growth rate of Fm / R′ approaches 2m-1 as ρ approaches infinity. This implies that the growth rate of an m-generated amenable group can be arbitrarily close to the maximum value 2m- 1. This answers an open question of P. de la Harpe. We prove that such groups can be found in the class of abelian-by-nilpotent groups as well as in the class of virtually metabelian group

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