
The effects of boundary topography on convection in Earth′s core


We present the first investigation that explores the effects of an isolated topographic ridge on thermal convection in a planetary core-like geometry and using core-like fluid properties (i.e. using a liquid metal-like low Prandtl number fluid). The model′s mean azimuthal flow resonates with the ridge and results in the excitation of a stationary topographic Rossby wave. This wave generates recirculating regions that remain fixed to the mantle reference frame. Associated with these regions is a strong longitudinally dependent heat flow along the inner core boundary; this effect may control the location of melting and solidification on the inner core boundary. Theoretical considerations and the results of our simulations suggest that the wavenumber of the resonant wave, LR, scales as Ro−1/2, where Ro is the Rossby number. This scaling indicates that small-scale flow structures [wavenumber ] in the core can be excited by a topographic feature on the core-mantle boundary. The effects of strong magnetic diffusion in the core must then be invoked to generate a stationary magnetic signature that is comparable to the scale of observed geomagnetic structures [

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