
Sce3, a suppressor of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe septation mutant cdc11, encodes a putative RNA-binding protein


In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, the cdc11 gene is required for the initiation of septum formation at the end of mitosis. The sce3 gene was cloned as a multi-copy suppressor of the heat-sensitive mutant cdc11-136. When over-expressed, it rescues all mutants of cdc11 and also a heat-sensitive allele of cdc14, but not the cdc14 null mutant. Deletion shows that sce3 is not essential for cell proliferation. It encodes a putative RNA-binding protein which shows homology to human eIF4B. Immunolocalisation indicates that Sce3p is located predominantly in the cytoplasm. Elevated expression of sce3 increases the steady-state level of cdc14 mRNA. Possible mechanisms of its action are discusse

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