Tram: A Token-level Retrieval-augmented Mechanism for Source Code Summarization


Automatically generating human-readable text describing the functionality of a program is the intent of source code summarization. Although Neural Language Models achieve significant performance in this field, an emerging trend is combining neural models with external knowledge. Most previous approaches rely on the sentence-level retrieval and combination paradigm (retrieval of similar code snippets and use of the corresponding code and summary pairs) on the encoder side. However, this paradigm is coarse-grained and cannot directly take advantage of the high-quality retrieved summary tokens on the decoder side. In this paper, we explore a fine-grained token-level retrieval-augmented mechanism on the decoder side to help the vanilla neural model generate a better code summary. Furthermore, to mitigate the limitation of token-level retrieval on capturing contextual code semantics, we propose to integrate code semantics into summary tokens. Extensive experiments and human evaluation reveal that our token-level retrieval-augmented approach significantly improves performance and is more interpretive

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