
Petrological Constraints on the Recycling of Mafic Crystal Mushes and Intrusion of Braided Sills in the Torres del Paine Mafic Complex (Patagonia)


Cumulate and crystal mush disruption and reactivation are difficult to recognize in coarse-grained, shallow plutonic rocks. Mafic minerals included in hornblende and zoned plagioclase provide snapshots of early crystallization and cumulate formation, but are difficult to interpret in terms of the dynamics of magma ascent and possible links between silicic and mafic rock emplacement. This study presents the field relations, the microtextures and the mineral chemistry of the Miocene mafic sill complex of the Torres del Paine intrusive complex (Patagonia, Chile) and its subvertical feeder zone. We summarize a number of observations that occur in structurally different, shallow, plutonic rocks, as follows. (1) The mafic sill complex was built up by a succession of braided sills of shoshonitic and high-K calc-alkaline porphyritic hornblende-gabbro and fine-grained monzodiorite sills. Local diapiric structures and felsic magma accumulation between sills indicate limited separation of intercumulus liquid from the mafic sills. Anhedral hornblende cores, with olivine + clinopyroxene ± plagioclase ± apatite inclusions, crystallized at temperatures >900°C and pressures of ∼300 to ∼400 MPa. The corresponding rims and monzodiorite matrix crystallized at 950°C) than estimated from the composition of the granite minimum. We show that hornblende-plagioclase thermobarometry is a useful monitor for the determination of the segregation conditions of granitic magmas from gabbroic crystal mushes, and for monitoring the evolution of shallow crustal magmatic crystallization, decompression and coolin

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