Investigation of the influence of the applied dye layer on surface temperature variations of laser sintered polyamide


U ovom radu ispitivan je uticaj nanetog sloja boje na površinske temperaturske varijacije uzorka poliamida. Uzorak, dobijen laserskim sinterovanjem industrijskog praha PA2200, se obasjava mnodulisanim laserskim snopom, dok se naneti sloj boje ne pobuđuje direktno. Razmatra se dinamička komponenta temperaturske promene na površini uzorka u transmisionoj i refleksionoj konfiguraciji, kao ključna komponenta formiranja fotoaksutičkog odziva.In this paper, the influence of the applied dye layer on surface temperature variations of polyamide sampleis investigated. The sample, obtained by laser sintering of PA2200 industrial powder, is irradiated by a modulated laser beam, while the applied layer is not excited directly. Dynamic component of temperature change at sample surface is considered, in both transmission and reflexion configuration, as the key componetn in the formation of photoacoustic resopnse.InfoTeh-Jahorina : 21st International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA, March 16-18, 2022; Jahorin

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