Peer evaluation system: a web application to provide peer evaluation for a workshop


Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2022, Director: Eloi Puertas i Prats[en] For any academic organization, the link between student and professor is the main support on which academic knowledge is based. Students are the ones who take a set of subjects and will be evaluated along the course. In contrast, professors are the ones who will evaluate the students by a set of criteria for each assignment of the subject. This evaluation procedure is known as the standard way to provide a qualification to the student where the professor is the only one who can influence the qualification. This project is focused on the workflow of the whole evaluation period of an activity where students not only participate in the task but also evaluate their peers to get scored after the task is finished. Its goal is to analyze the current workshop activity on the virtual campus of the University of Barcelona (based on Moodle) and then synthesize the core requirements of the system into the designed web application that serves as a third-party platform that is more intuitive for both students and professors to get into. By this, a whole sequence of the evaluation will take place at a web application which is the platform where students can participate in the process of peer evaluation in the same task. While the professor is responsible for evaluating both the evaluations given by the students and the attached files

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