Communication-constrained distributed quantile regression with optimal statistical guarantees


We address the problem of how to achieve optimal inference in distributed quantile regression without stringent scaling conditions. This is challenging due to the non-smooth nature of the quantile regression (QR) loss function, which invalidates the use of existing methodology. The difficulties are resolved through a double-smoothing approach that is applied to the local (at each data source) and global objective functions. Despite the reliance on a delicate combination of local and global smoothing parameters, the quantile regression model is fully parametric, thereby facilitating interpretation. In the low-dimensional regime, we establish a finite-sample theoretical framework for the sequentially defined distributed QR estimators. This reveals a trade-off between the communication cost and statistical error. We further discuss and compare several alternative confidence set constructions, based on inversion of Wald and score-type tests and resampling techniques, detailing an improvement that is effective for more extreme quantile coefficients. In high dimensions, a sparse framework is adopted, where the proposed doubly-smoothed objective function is complemented with an ℓ1-penalty. We show that the corresponding distributed penalized QR estimator achieves the global convergence rate after a near-constant number of communication rounds. A thorough simulation study further elucidates our findings

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