Moving toward improving the delivery of youth interrogation rights: can comprehension be enhanced through multimedia?


Across three experiments, the extent to which presenting youth interrogation rights in a multimedia format using three multimedia elements (Animation, Audio, and Caption) improved comprehension was examined. Experiments 1 and 2 employed a 2 (Animation: Present vs. Absent) X 2 (Audio: Present vs. Absent) X 2 (Caption: Present vs. Absent) between-participants design with samples of Canadian adults (N = 207) and youth (N = 193), respectively. Participants in both experiments were randomly shown one of eight multimedia presentations and then tested about their understanding of the youth interrogation rights content contained in the multimedia presentation. In both experiments, the multimedia presentation showing Animation and Caption yielded the highest comprehension score. Experiment 3 carried out a single-condition design with Canadian youth (N = 60) to collect opinions about the multimedia elements used in the stimuli. Participants were presented with a multimedia presentation containing all three multimedia elements (i.e., Animation, Audio, and Caption) and asked to provide their feedback about the presentation more broadly (e.g., evaluating the quality, rate of speed, distraction level, and their ability to identify character within the presentation); positive reviews were reported by nearly all participants. Implications of these collective findings for protecting youth and the use of technology during police interrogations are discussed

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