Letter from Anne Annie L. Muir to John Muir, ca. 1861


page 8 [they have drawn a lot of lumber?] down near McHays to build a Roman Catholic church so you see they are getting on [but I illegible illegible illegible illegible illegible deleted] well John I cannot think of much more to say but let me see I [illegible] you said in your letter to Mary that you believed if [Clide?] ws to come into the room you would kiss him but I guess you will never see [him?] again you may see his grave but I think that will be all I guess next Sunday the prayer meetings will have 09912 page 4 to be closed is there any of them closed where you are. I should think you would be lonesome living all alone unless you are are pretty busy all the time I suppose I will have to close my letter now for I cant think of any more to say but you must write a longer letter then this excuse all mistakes and bad writing from your afectionate sister Anne Muir write soo

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