The Development of Learning Activities by using a Phenomenon-based Learning Approach with Social Media to Enhance Critical Thinking for Grade 6 Students


The objectives of the study were 1) To create and examine the efficiency of lesson plans based on learning activities by using a phenomenon – based learning approach with social media to enhance critical thinking for grade 6 students with the criterion set at 80/80, 2) To compare grade 6 students’ critical thinking ability between before and after learning. The sample consisted of 25 students in grade 6 at Anuban Wiang Papao School, Wiang Papao district, Chiang Rai, during the academic yearof2021.Thestudents weredrawnfrom thecluster sampling method by drawing lots. The instruments were 6 lesson plans and a critical thinking test with 40 multiple-choice questions. Based on the major findings, it was recommended as follows:1)The lesson plans based on learning activities by using a phenomenon–based learning approach with social media to enhance critical thinking satisfied the set efficiency standard(E1 /E2 ) at88.97/82.60, which was higher thanthestandardof80/80,2)The comparison result of critical thinking ability, based on learning activities by using phenomenon – based learning approach with social media for grade 6 students, was significantly higher after learning at the .05 level

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