HouseCat6D -- A Large-Scale Multi-Modal Category Level 6D Object Pose Dataset with Household Objects in Realistic Scenarios


Estimating the 6D pose of objects is a major 3D computer vision problem. Since the promising outcomes from instance-level approaches, research heads also move towards category-level pose estimation for more practical application scenarios. However, unlike well-established instance-level pose datasets, available category-level datasets lack annotation quality and provided pose quantity. We propose the new category-level 6D pose dataset HouseCat6D featuring 1) Multi-modality of Polarimetric RGB and Depth (RGBD+P), 2) Highly diverse 194 objects of 10 household object categories including 2 photometrically challenging categories, 3) High-quality pose annotation with an error range of only 1.35 mm to 1.74 mm, 4) 41 large-scale scenes with extensive viewpoint coverage and occlusions, 5) Checkerboard-free environment throughout the entire scene, and 6) Additionally annotated dense 6D parallel-jaw grasps. Furthermore, we also provide benchmark results of state-of-the-art category-level pose estimation networks

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