A \u3cem\u3eMedicago Truncatula\u3c/em\u3e Population Segregating for Aluminum Tolerance


Aluminium (Al) toxicity, manifested in inhibition of root elongation and reduced plant growth, is a major cause of poor crop yields on acid soils, which comprise up to 40% of the world’s arable land. Al toxicity associated with acid soils has been a major obstacle in alfalfa (Medicago sativa) production in the USA, as well as in tropical areas of the world. Recent molecular marker mapping studies indicate that the genomes of M. truncatula and M. sativa are highly similar (Choi et al., 2004). Thus, M. truncatula could be used as a source of genes that could be used to improve Al tolerance of cultivated alfalfa. The objective of this study is to identify QTL for Al tolerance in M. truncatula, using M. truncatula EST-SSR markers and a population from a cross between the Al sensitive Jemalong A17 and an Al tolerant USDA plant introduction, PI 566890 (Sledge et al., 2004), with the long term goal of cloning Al tolerance genes to improve cultivated alfalfa for Al tolerance

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