Compliance to agrochemical safety practices among arable crop farmers in Ola-Oluwa Local Government Area OF Osun State, Nigeria


The study examined the compliance to agrochemical safety practices among arable crop farmers in Ola-Oluwa local government area of Osun state. Random sampling was used to select 127 farmers from the list of 254 registered farmers provided by the Arable Crop Farmers Association, 110 were retrieved in the study area. Data was obtained using structured interview schedule and described statistically with PPMC for the hypotheses. The study revealed that most (65%) respondents were male, 43.6% in the age of 41-49 years. Majority (65.5%) of the respondents was married and had primary education (26.4%). Most of the respondents accessed information safety practices through Farmers association (146), Radio (117) and Television (109). Also, majority of the respondents indicated their low compliance to agrochemical safety practice before application (57.0%), during application (63.5%) and after application (52.6%). Major constraints to safety practices identified by respondents in the study area were poor reading attitude of farmers (129), lack of technical knowhow on safety practices (120) and farmers’ poor literacy level (120). PPMC analysis used for the hypotheses revealed that there was significant relationship between the respondents’ income generated and their compliance to agrochemical safety practices (r=21.256, p=0.019). Also, there was significant relationship between respondents’ sources of information and their compliance to safety practices (r=10.231, p=0.012). It is therefore recommended that information on agrochemical safety practices should be simplified to avoid ambiguity and easy interpretation due to their literacy level. Keywords: Agrochemical, Safety Practices, Arable Crop Farmer

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