L'entraineur de gymnastique a l'artistique face aux problemes medicaux: Les resultats d'une enquete menee en Suisse romande. [The coach of artistic gymnastics facing medical problems: results of a survey conducted in French-speaking Switzerland]


The need for high technical skills in gymnastics has resulted in a decrease of the age of talented gymnasts. Young gymnasts are submitted to intensive training, hence to an increase of the risk of injuries. In spite of this evolution, present medical assistance does not appear to be readily accessible to swiss coaches and gymnasts. By necessity, coaches endorse medical functions which have so far not been evaluated. This aspect was therefore investigated among coaches from the french speaking community of our country. The results show that the present medical network hinders regular follow-up of gymnasts and valuable discussions between coaches and doctors with, as a result, inappropriate medical teaching. Coaches distrust advice given by doctors of whom most underestimate the technical aspects of this sport. Medical assistance should be improved on a regional basis

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