The purpose of the present article is to demonstrate the calibration of the
Hamamatsu R7081 photomultiplier using a numerical method based on the Discrete
Fourier Transform (DFT). Conventional techniques, usually employed in the
literature, use approximate models or brute force numerical calculations of the
convolution integrals that lead to the charge response function of the
photomultiplier, S_R(x). In this publication, we explain how a truncated
gaussian model for the single photoelectron amplification can lead to rigorous
results if one leans on the DFT approach. The distinct feature of this
procedure is that S_R(x) is calculated to all orders in the Poisson mean μ
that characterizes the light intensity and no approximations are needed. The
same scheme can be applied to other photomultiplier tubes that share the same
properties with R7081