
The studies of the Modern Movement in Architecture and Urbanism assign a decisive role to the neighbourhood; it represents the minimum conforming unit best suited to the implementation of the macro-categories that characterise sustainable neighbourhoods. Macro-categories that most frequently recur in the scientific literature distinguishing highly sustainable settlements are four: morphological and functional layout, emission control, waste cycle and energy consumption. Within the last one the reflections of this contribution are placed. The transition to a fossil-free energy scenario assigns to Variable Renewable Energy like solar (PV panels) and wind (Wind Turbines), a fundamental role, however, for this transition to be successfully completed, enormous efforts must be made in terms of storage, while production is optimal during certain peak periods, these often do not coincide with demand, which makes exclusive reliance on these options a rather risky choice. The contribution intends to reflect on the possibilities and critical issues offered by renewable energy storage for the implementation of a neighbourhood energy communit

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