Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Cerita Rakyat Umbul Kemanten Di Desa Sidowayah, Kecamatan Polanharjo, Kabupaten Klaten Dan Relevansinya Terhadap Pembelajaran Sastra Di SMA : Kajian Resepsi Sastra


The aims of this study (1) explain the structural analysis of the folklore of Umbul Kemanten in Sidowayah Village, Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency, (2) describe the perceptions of the people of Sidowayah Village towards the folklore of Umbul Kemanten, (3) explain the relevance of the folklore of Umbul Kemanten to literary learning in SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. This research is classified as a qualitative descriptive research. The object of this research is the public's perception of the folklore of Umbul Kemanten in Sidowayah Village, Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency. The subject of this research is the folklore of Umbul Kemanten. The data in this research are words, phrases, expressions, and sentences that contain people's perceptions of the folklore Umbul Kemanten in Sidowayah Village, Polanharjo District, Klaten Regency and its relevance to learning literature in high school. The data source for this research is the location of the Kemanten Umbul, sources, photographs of the legend about the Kemanten Umbul. Data collection techniques in this study are observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data validity techniques in this study were informant review techniques, data source triangulation techniques, and method triangulation. This study uses data analysis with an interactive model. Based on the results of the study, (1) the structure of the story, namely the theme and facts of the story (characters, setting, plot), (2) people's perceptions of the socio-cultural aspects, the function of the folklore of Umbul Kemanten, and the function of Umbul Kemanten, (3) relevance to learning literature in high school. The results of this research on the folklore of Umbul Kemanten meet the criteria for learning literature regarding linguistic aspects, psychological aspects, and background aspects. The results of the research are in accordance with basic competence 3.7 which is related to the ability of students to identify the values and content contained in folklore

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