How Municipal and Regional Police Align Their Practices with Canadian Security Intelligence Agencies: A Study in Nodal Governance


This thesis explores the inter-agency cooperation between municipal and regional police agencies and security intelligence agencies, as it seeks to answer the overarching research question: How have municipal and regional police agencies in Ontario aligned their practices with security intelligence agencies in Canada? The goal is to explore and lend insight into how municipal and regional police agencies cooperate with security intelligence agencies, such as the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) to address national security concerns. This thesis uses the concept of nodal governance (Shearing & Wood, 2003) to discuss any partnership or cooperation, as well as David Garland’s (1996) concept of ‘responsibilization’ from the nodal governance and related governmentality literatures (Lippert & Stenson, 2010). Some investigative alignment will be discerned using publicly available documents. The findings will also analyze the general nature of relations, any inter-agency misalignment and conflict, the alignment of training techniques, the alignment of mentalities, and the use of central intelligence hubs and/or communication formats (Ericson & Haggerty, 1997).Keywords: national security, intelligence-led policing, inter-agency cooperation, information-sharing, interoperability, and collaboratio

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