Transforming Polypectomy Education: One Step At A Time


Colorectal cancer is the 2nd most common cause of cancer death in the UK. Bowel cancers start as benign polyps that can be detected and removed during colonoscopy; polypectomy is therefore an essential part of NHS strategy for cancer prevention. Simulators available for teaching polypectomy lack fidelity, so most training is undertaken on live patients. NHS service pressures limit opportunities for hands-on training and practising on patients raises ethical issues. Even among independent colonoscopists, there is evidence of a significant skills deficit; polyp assessment is poor and resections too often incomplete. This results in patients undergoing unnecessary surgery. Creating clinically effective colonoscopists who are competent in polypectomy is an obvious area for simulation-based education, however effectiveness of simulation training in polypectomy is currently unknown. Our aim is to establish a more effective training model for polypectomy. A mixed methods approach will be used to evaluate current levels of polypectomy practice. This will determine educational requirements of the existing workforce. In collaboration with Liverpool School of Art & Design, we will create a high-fidelity polypectomy simulator, together with realistic bioplastic models and 3D graphic representations of complex polyps for teaching polyp assessment skills. Endoscopy trainers and sports coaches face similar issues when seeking to improve performance. Collaborating with the School of Sports & Exercise Sciences, we will explore whether sports psychology techniques can be used to enhance polypectomy skill acquisition. Finally, safe polypectomy demands competence in endoscopic non-technical skills. Working with the Simulation Team at LJMU, we will develop polypectomy-related simulation scenarios. Effectiveness will be measured at each step of this comprehensive programme, and upon completion we hope to demonstrate its real-world impact on regional endoscopy practice. Successful transformation of polypectomy education in the region should create a more confident and competent workforce. This will improve efficiency and produce better outcomes for patients. Moving more polypectomy training into the laboratory will reduce its impact on service delivery. Innovations derived from this project will be shared with the wider endoscopy training community and have potential to transform approaches to polypectomy training in the UK

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