Partial mass concentration for fast-diffusions with non-local aggregation terms


We study well-posedness and long-time behaviour of aggregation-diffusion equations of the form ρt=Δρm+(ρ(V+Wρ))\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} = \Delta \rho^m + \nabla \cdot( \rho (\nabla V + \nabla W \ast \rho)) in the fast-diffusion range, 0<m<10<m<1, and VV and WW regular enough. We develop a well-posedness theory, first in the ball and then in Rd\mathbb R^d, and characterise the long-time asymptotics in the space W1,1W^{-1,1} for radial initial data. In the radial setting and for the mass equation, viscosity solutions are used to prove partial mass concentration asymptotically as tt \to \infty, i.e. the limit as tt \to \infty is of the form αδ0+ρ^dx\alpha \delta_0 + \widehat \rho \, dx with α0\alpha \geq 0 and ρ^L1\widehat \rho \in L^1. Finally, we give instances of W0W \ne 0 showing that partial mass concentration does happen in infinite time, i.e. α>0\alpha > 0

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