Équité des soins en gynécologie-obstétrique pour les personnes sourdes et malentendantes : enjeux [Equity of care in gynecology-obstetrics for the deaf and hard of hearing : issues]
The deaf and hard of hearing population suffers from difficulties in accessing the health care system due to communication barriers with health care and administrative personnel who are often insufficiently trained in deafness issues. Gynecology-obstetrics consultations represent a gateway to the health system. Since 2011, there is a gynecology and obstetrics consultation dedicated to deaf people at the CHUV. This article presents the means of communication support put in place within the context of this specific consultation as well as the experience of a group of patients. Awareness of deafness among all staff in contact with patients as well as the use of professional interpreters are the key elements of care that respects the needs and rights of deaf people