Set Covering with Our Eyes Wide Shut


In the stochastic set cover problem (Grandoni et al., FOCS '08), we are given a collection S\mathcal{S} of mm sets over a universe U\mathcal{U} of size NN, and a distribution DD over elements of U\mathcal{U}. The algorithm draws nn elements one-by-one from DD and must buy a set to cover each element on arrival; the goal is to minimize the total cost of sets bought during this process. A universal algorithm a priori maps each element u∈Uu \in \mathcal{U} to a set S(u)S(u) such that if UβŠ†UU \subseteq \mathcal{U} is formed by drawing nn times from distribution DD, then the algorithm commits to outputting S(U)S(U). Grandoni et al. gave an O(log⁑mN)O(\log mN)-competitive universal algorithm for this stochastic set cover problem. We improve unilaterally upon this result by giving a simple, polynomial time O(log⁑mn)O(\log mn)-competitive universal algorithm for the more general prophet version, in which UU is formed by drawing from nn different distributions D1,…,DnD_1, \ldots, D_n. Furthermore, we show that we do not need full foreknowledge of the distributions: in fact, a single sample from each distribution suffices. We show similar results for the 2-stage prophet setting and for the online-with-a-sample setting. We obtain our results via a generic reduction from the single-sample prophet setting to the random-order setting; this reduction holds for a broad class of minimization problems that includes all covering problems. We take advantage of this framework by giving random-order algorithms for non-metric facility location and set multicover; using our framework, these automatically translate to universal prophet algorithms

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