Convergence Rates for Non-Log-Concave Sampling and Log-Partition Estimation


Sampling from Gibbs distributions p(x)exp(V(x)/ε)p(x) \propto \exp(-V(x)/\varepsilon) and computing their log-partition function are fundamental tasks in statistics, machine learning, and statistical physics. However, while efficient algorithms are known for convex potentials VV, the situation is much more difficult in the non-convex case, where algorithms necessarily suffer from the curse of dimensionality in the worst case. For optimization, which can be seen as a low-temperature limit of sampling, it is known that smooth functions VV allow faster convergence rates. Specifically, for mm-times differentiable functions in dd dimensions, the optimal rate for algorithms with nn function evaluations is known to be O(nm/d)O(n^{-m/d}), where the constant can potentially depend on m,dm, d and the function to be optimized. Hence, the curse of dimensionality can be alleviated for smooth functions at least in terms of the convergence rate. Recently, it has been shown that similarly fast rates can also be achieved with polynomial runtime O(n3.5)O(n^{3.5}), where the exponent 3.53.5 is independent of mm or dd. Hence, it is natural to ask whether similar rates for sampling and log-partition computation are possible, and whether they can be realized in polynomial time with an exponent independent of mm and dd. We show that the optimal rates for sampling and log-partition computation are sometimes equal and sometimes faster than for optimization. We then analyze various polynomial-time sampling algorithms, including an extension of a recent promising optimization approach, and find that they sometimes exhibit interesting behavior but no near-optimal rates. Our results also give further insights on the relation between sampling, log-partition, and optimization problems.Comment: Changes in v2: Minor corrections and formatting changes. Plots can be reproduced using the code at

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