On the Parameterized Complexity of Sparsest Cut and Small-set Expansion Problems


We study the NP-hard \textsc{kk-Sparsest Cut} problem (kkSC) in which, given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E) and a parameter kk, the objective is to partition vertex set into kk subsets whose maximum edge expansion is minimized. Herein, the edge expansion of a subset SβŠ†VS \subseteq V is defined as the sum of the weights of edges exiting SS divided by the number of vertices in SS. Another problem that has been investigated is \textsc{kk-Small-Set Expansion} problem (kkSSE), which aims to find a subset with minimum edge expansion with a restriction on the size of the subset. We extend previous studies on kkSC and kkSSE by inspecting their parameterized complexity. On the positive side, we present two FPT algorithms for both kkSSE and 2SC problems where in the first algorithm we consider the parameter treewidth of the input graph and uses exponential space, and in the second we consider the parameter vertex cover number of the input graph and uses polynomial space. Moreover, we consider the unweighted version of the kkSC problem where kβ‰₯2k \geq 2 is fixed and proposed two FPT algorithms with parameters treewidth and vertex cover number of the input graph. We also propose a randomized FPT algorithm for kkSSE when parameterized by kk and the maximum degree of the input graph combined. Its derandomization is done efficiently. \noindent On the negative side, first we prove that for every fixed integer k,Ο„β‰₯3k,\tau\geq 3, the problem kkSC is NP-hard for graphs with vertex cover number at most Ο„\tau. We also show that kkSC is W[1]-hard when parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph and the number~kk of components combined using a reduction from \textsc{Unary Bin Packing}. Furthermore, we prove that kkSC remains NP-hard for graphs with maximum degree three and also graphs with degeneracy two. Finally, we prove that the unweighted kkSSE is W[1]-hard for the parameter kk

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