Using Flickr to identify and connect tourism Points of Interest: The case of Lisbon, Porto and Faro


Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Business AnalyticsUnderstanding the movement of tourists helps not only the management of cities but also to enhance the most attractive places. The growth of people in social media allows us to have greater access to information about user preferences, reviews, and shared moments. Information can be used to study tourist activity. Here, it is used geo-tagged photographs from the social media platform Flickr, to identify the locations of tourists’ Points of Interest in Lisbon, Porto and Faro and quantify their relationship from the user’s co-occurrence in the identified points. The results show that, using standard clustering methods, it is possible to identify likely candidate Points of Interest. The association of the Points of Interest from users’ social media activity (i.e., posting of photos) results in a non-trivial network that breaks geographical proximity. It was found that, in all the cities under study, historical places (such as churches and cathedrals), viewpoints and beaches are captured

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