Novel natural and synthetic compounds for treating hormone resistant tumors


Cancer is a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Despite significant advances in medical research, deaths due to cancer are continuously increase. Data from 2010 has shown the colorectal, breast, prostate and lung cancer as the most common in Portugal. Considering the North Region, prostate cancer and breast cancer are the most incident in men and women, respectively. Despite all the improvement in cancer early detection and treatment, the high mortality rates challenges the discovery of new anticancer agents. In the last years, several team members were involved in the study of the bioactive potential of natural and synthetic compounds at the Health and Environment Research Centre at School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (CISA ESS—P.Porto). From previous works, extracts isolated from plants and synthetic compounds, such as ionic liquids and quinoxalines, revealed an interesting bioactive potential as cancer drug. Following these previous approaches and considering the background of the team members in cancer research, the main goal of this project is to infer about the potential of these natural and synthetic compounds as anti-cancer drugs to common North Portugal cancer hormone-resistant tumors, namely castration-resistant prostate tumors and estrogen-independent breast

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