Digital Transformation: Book of Abstracts at BOBCATSSS 2021 Virtual Conference, 21st-22nd January 2021, Porto


This Book of Abstracts provides an overview of all selected papers, Pecha Kucha and posters that will be presented at BOBCATSSS 2021 Virtual Conference on "Digital Transformation" ( The conference is jointly organized by the Porto Accounting and Business School - Porto Polytechnic (ISCAP), Portugal, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT), Sofia, Bulgaria and University of Leon, Spain. BOBCATSSS is an international annual symposium which addresses hot topics for librarians and information professionals in a fast-changing environment. It is created by and for students, teachers, researchers and professionals in the information field. BOBCATSSS is held under the auspices of BOBCATSSS Association (, former EUCLID (European Association for Library and Information Education and Research). It is a tradition which has been passed on from one European country to another since 1993, providing a rich professional conference, accompanied by numerous opportunities for networking, personal exchanges, discussions, and learning. The 29th conference of BOBCATSSS is a virtual edition, due to the COVID-19 worldwide crisis. This year, we have chosen “DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION” as the theme for BOBCATSSS 2021. Information and communication technologies have a great impact on society, namely concerning the immediacy of access to information, the constant increase in the available information volume, the automation of services, the dematerialization of processes, the change in supports and formats, the attention to the client and changes in the behaviour of individuals. These impacts are also felt in the way people interact with information, in professional, academic, personal and playful terms. Soon, half of the consumers will be digital natives, and this will force the digital transformation in organizations, creating new opportunities for change, including in organizational, cultural and legal standards. Digital transformation as an effect of a process marked by the influence of ICT in society will influence changes in every social dimension, including business models and in the way they develop, with ICT and, inseparably, information, having a leading role in any organization. According to Rogers (2016)1 and Herbert (2017)2, it is possible to identify five domains where the digital transformation takes place, and which are based on the transversal use of ICT: 1. Customers, who interact dynamically with organizations 2. Competition, which impliesa differentiation of organizations in relation to the consumer / final customer 3. Information, which due to its essential nature for the business, whether structured or not, will require an increasingly strict management 4. Innovation, focusing on the development of new ideas 5. Value, which becomes volatile in the face of market

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