Relacionamentos amorosos como experiências do ser e de não ser. Uma leitura psicanalítica da função no selando relacionamento amoroso e da repetição


The author aims to demonstrate how love relationships can serve stability functions, adjustment and maintenance of the Self cohesion, either at the level of stability and cohesion as referred by Blatt (introjective), to prevent the anguish of annihilation or otherwise allow, in another developed Self states (anaclitic) (BLATT, S. J., e BLASS, R. B.,1992), a safer view of themselves (Self-esteem and sense of efficacy) preventing the loss anxiety, in both cases allowing the sense of being. The stability and satisfaction with a love relationship and his development is directly linked to the possibility of autonomy to internal objects, the transcendence of the Self and his development allong the relationship is linked to the greater autonomy related to the internal objects and the possibility of Self regulations and environment regulation. It is intended to demonstrate how in couple psychotherapy we cannot work in the couple relation, in intersubjectivity without the establishment of a sense of cohesive Self of each other

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