The annals of the Infante: an unpublished analytical record of the reign of Alfonso XI


Este trabajo presenta un texto analístico presumiblemente compuesto en las primeras décadas del siglo XIV, hasta la fecha desconocido e inédito. En él se ordena y analiza su tradición manuscrita y textual, así como el sentido de su contenido y composición. Éste destaca no ya por su valor histórico, sino por su dimensión historiográfica, pues aporta un nuevo referente para comprender algo mejor los senderos que recorre la historiografía breve a lo largo de la Baja Edad Media castellana.This paper presents an annalistic text that was probably composed in the first decades of the 14th century, and which remains unknown and unpublished to date. The work organizes and analyzes its handwritten and textual tradition, as well as the meaning of its content and composition. These annals are important not because of their historical content, but mostly for their historiographical dimension, as they provide a new writing that may serve as a key reference to better understand the paths of short historiography during Castilian Late Middle Ages.Universidad de Sevilla VPPI2016-II.

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