Individualized treatment decisions can improve health outcomes, but using
data to make these decisions in a reliable, precise, and generalizable way is
challenging with a single dataset. Leveraging multiple randomized controlled
trials allows for the combination of datasets with unconfounded treatment
assignment to improve the power to estimate heterogeneous treatment effects.
This paper discusses several non-parametric approaches for estimating
heterogeneous treatment effects using data from multiple trials. We extend
single-study methods to a scenario with multiple trials and explore their
performance through a simulation study, with data generation scenarios that
have differing levels of cross-trial heterogeneity. The simulations demonstrate
that methods that directly allow for heterogeneity of the treatment effect
across trials perform better than methods that do not, and that the choice of
single-study method matters based on the functional form of the treatment
effect. Finally, we discuss which methods perform well in each setting and then
apply them to four randomized controlled trials to examine effect heterogeneity
of treatments for major depressive disorder