Investigating various product derivatives for a sustainable aquaculture feed supply chain in South Africa


Contemporary aquaculture produces more seafood for growing global nutrition requirements than capture fisheries stocks, but aquaculture practices do have adverse environmental impacts. This research investigated more sustainable marine ecosystem management practices through alternative aquaculture feed ingredients and production systems that mimic natural marine food chains. The aim was to find an alternative feed model to make the industry more sustainable. Content analysis was used to let secondary research complement the empirical research to investigate the perceptions about various product derivatives for a more sustainable aquaculture feed supply chain. The survey entailed distributing 228 questionnaires and only 55 diverse stakeholders responded. By reviewing their perceptions of natural marine organisms and manufactured agricultural ingredients, the call for sustainably produced aquaculture feed could inform future sustainable supply chain management and marine ecosystem stewardship.Thesis (DBA) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, 202

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