Condition for sustainable development of rural tourism in the area of Lower Danube region in the Republic of Serbia


Six municipalities make area of the Lower Danube Region (Veliko Gradište, Golubac, Kučevo, Majdanpek, Kladovo and Negotin). The area has three main tourist attractions: the Danube River (European Corridor VII); Djerdap National Park with Djerdap Gorge; and the Archaeological Site “Lepenski vir”. In addition to these, there are numerous other potential tourist attractions in the Lower Danube region. This is important for the development of rural tourism, since visits to these attractions could enrich the content of the tourist products that would be offered to tourists who would stay in one of the local rural tourist destinations in this area. The development of rural tourism is not evenly represented in this area. Majdanpek, Negotin and Kladovo stand out as municipalities with the most developed rural tourism. In addition to the existing ones which are already being used in touristic exploitation, the aim of the article is to point out the resources, on which rural tourism on principles of sustainability, could be developing in the entire area. Both receptive and all other resources that are important for the creation of rural tourist products will be pointed out

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