
Chirurgie bariatrique en 2013: principes, avantages et inconvénients des interventions a disposition [Bariatric surgery in 2013: principles, advantages and disadvantages of the available procedures].


For severe obesity (BMI > 35 kg/m2), bariatric surgery is not only the best, but often the only means of obtaining sufficient and durable weight loss. This article aims to review the available bariatric procedures. Gastric bypass remains the reference when it comes to the risk/benefit ratio. Gastric banding is declining rapidly due to the high prevalence of long-term complications. Primary malabsorptive procedures remain largely unpopular because of their potential nutritional complications. Sleeve gastrectomy, although it is not reversible as it includes a significant gastric resection, increases currently in popularity because of its apparent simplicity and the fact that early results regarding weight loss mimic those obtained with gastric bypass

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