Data on the Validation to Determine the Material Thermal Properties Estimation Via a One-Dimensional Transient Convection Model


These data were acquired to estimate the parameters of a closed form solution of a one-dimensional transient convection heat diffusion PDE. The purpose was to demonstrate that the model could be used to determine the thermal conductivity. The system was tested for a wide range of thermal conductivity, 15-400 W/mK, in order to verify that the method was applicable for various materials. The data reported here refer to the study in the research articles, Material Thermal Properties Estimation Via a One-Dimensional Transient Convection Model [1] and Influence of porosity on the thermal, electrical, and mechanical performance of selective laser melted stainless steel [2]. The dataset contains the raw data obtained from the temperature acquisition system as well as the processed results from a Python program to determine the thermal conductivity from a forced convection, transient one-dimensional heat diffusion equation

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