
Improved Modal Assurance Criterion using a quantification of identification errors per mode/sensor


Scanning laser vibrometer measurements generate detailed maps of modal characteristics in normal or 3D directions. Since many points are measured, individual validation of cannot be performed manually in a reasonable time frame and a notable fraction of measurements is expected to be fairly noisy. The key new notion of the paper is a quantification of identification error and level of contribution for each mode and each sensor based on the comparison of measured and synthesized transfers around each resonance. These criteria are shown to allow efficient analysis of the validity of large measurement sets to provide an automated procedure to select sensors that should be kept for each mode. This quantification, being performed before correlation, provides a priori estimates of sources of poor correlation associated with the identification process. It thus becomes possible to provide improved Modal Assurance Criterion estimations where, for each modeshape, sensors known to be incorrectly identified can be discarded. The 3D vibrometer scan of a brake component is used to illustrate the proposed strategies

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