The influence of tractor's roll-over protective structure to increased safety of operators in exploitation


Bezbednosni parametri u eksploataciji traktora imaju veoma veliki značaj Jedan od najznačajnijih elemenata koji utiču na bezbednost rukovalaca u eksploataciji traktora su zaštitne strukture i kabine. U zavisnosti od vrste, namene i kategorije traktora, ugrađuju se različite vrste zaštitnih struktura ili kabina. U okviru rada prikazana su konstruktivna rešenja zaštitnih struktura, sa osnovnim karakteristikama i primerima ugradnje na traktore, kao i tehnološka izvođenja. Danas se u svetu pridaje sve veća pažnja povećanju udobnosti rukovalaca u eksploataciji. Traktori postaju sve vise prijatno mesto za rad, jer se pored klima uređaja, radio aparata i zvučne izolacije vodi računa i o ergonomskim zahtevima i lakom komandovanju i upravljanju. Domaći proizvođači traktora prihvatili su ove savremene trendove i kroz njihovu implementaciju na već postojeće i nove proizvode postaju konkurentni na svetskom tržištu, čime u određenoj meri vraćaju ugled našoj motornoj industriji.Safety parameters have very big importance during tractor exploitation. One of the most important elements of operator's safety in tractor exploitation are rollover protective structures and cabs. Different types of protective structures and cabs are fitted on tractors, depending of their type, design and category. Different constructions of protective structures and cabs are presented in this paper, with basic characteristics and examples of fitting on tractors, as well as production process technologies. More and more attention in the world today is paid for increase of operator's comfort in exploitation. Tractors became more pleasant places for work, because beside air conditioning system, music systems and noise protection, a lot of attention is intended to ergonomic requests and easy handling. Domestic tractor producers accepted these modern trends and with its implementation to presented and new products they became competitive on the world market helping to bring back the respect to our motor industry

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