Experimental investigation of the influence of the spike on the aerodynamic characteristics of blunt body


Strujna slika oko zaOblenog tela sa iglom zavisi od geometrijskog oblika tela i igle, kao i vrednosti Mahovog i Rejnoldsovog broja strujanja. U radu su prikazani rezultati eksperimentalnog ispitivanja modela rakete polusfernog vrha bez i sa tri igle različitog oblika. Vrednosti. Ispitivanje je obavljeno u aerotunelu za Mahov broj neporemećene struje su 1.03 i 1.88. Napadni ugao modela se menjao od –4.0˚ do 10.0˚. Vizualizacija strujanja je vršena šliren metodom i holografskom interferometrijom. Ispitivanja su pokazala da se ugradnjom igle na vrh rakete, za nadzvučna strujanja, značajno menja slika strujnog polja, a samim tim i aerodinamičke karakteristike rakete.The flow around the blunt nosed body with the spike depends of geometrical shape of the body and spike, also of Mach and Reynolds number. In this paper are presented the experimental test results of the missile model with semi spherical shaped without spike and with three different spike shapes. The test is performed in the three sonic wind tunnel for M= 1.03 i 1.88. The value of the angles of attack is between α=-4.0˚ and 10.0˚. Schlieren method and holographic interferometry are used for flow visualization. The tests show that the building of spike on the model top, for supersonic flow significantly changes the flow around model and its aerodynamically coefficients

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