Temperature and stress state of the block-braked solid wheel in operation on Yugoslav railways


Termičko opterećenje monoblok točka železničkog vozila kočenog papučama je dominantno u odnosu na ostale vrste opterećenja. To opterećenje, koje je uglavnom posledica dugotrajnog kočenja na padovima u cilju održavanja brzine je osnovni uzrok pojave pukotina na površini kotrljanja točka i, kao krajnja posledica, loma točka. U radu su dati rezultati proračunske analize termičkog opterećenja monoblok točka na odabranoj karakterističnoj deonici pruge Jugoslovenskih železnica. Proračuni temperaturnih i naponskih stanja točka rađeni su pomoću metode konačnih elemenata.Thermal load of the block-braked solid wheel railway vehicles is dominant on the other types of loads. This load, which is mainly consequence of long-term braking on downgrades for maintaining the defined constant speed purpose, is the main cause of occurrence of cracks on treads of wheel and finally fractures of wheel. The paper gives the analysis calculation results of the thermal load of the railway vehicle block-braked solid wheel on characteristic selected line on Yugoslav Railways network. Thermal analysis was done using the finite elements method, which was also used for obtaining wheel temperature and stress states in the simulated operation conditions

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