PT. Karya Mitra Tehnik merupakan suatu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa spesialist service, rental, jual beli forklift bekas, pengadaan spare part forklift dan heavy equipment. Dalam hal ini wilayah kerja yang di capai perusahaan cukup luas, sehingga tidak dipungkiri bahwa jasa pengiriman barang (sparepart) sangat dibutuhkan. Dengan wilayah kerja yang cukup luas dan jarak yang cukup berjauhan tentu memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dalam proses pendistribusian sparepart maupun tenaga ahli untuk proses perbaikan. Dengan demikian diperlukan klasterisasi logistik untuk menentukan pusat distribusi di setiap klaster wilayah.Dalam perancangan jaringan warehouse, risiko pengiriman spare part dari warehouse utama ke warehouse lainya (cabang) juga perlu di pertimbangkan, Ichikawa diagram juga dikenal sebagai fishbone diagram atau Cause-Effect Analysis. Suatu tindakan dan langkah perbaikan akan lebih mudah dilakukan jika akar penyebab masalah sudah ditemukan.
Kata kunci: Distribusi, Jaringan Warehouse, Klasterisasi, Ichikawa Diagaram
Abstract: PT. Karya Mitra Tehnik is a company engaged in specialist service, rental, buying and selling of used forklifts, procurement of spare parts for forklifts and heavy equipment. In this case the work area achieved by the company is quite wide, so it is undeniable that the delivery of goods (spare parts) is needed. With a work area that is quite large and the distance is quite far, it certainly takes a long time in the process of distributing spare parts and experts for the repair process. Thus, logistical clustering is needed to determine distribution centers in each regional cluster. In designing a warehouse network, the risk of sending spare parts from the main warehouse to other warehouses (branches) also needs to be considered, Ichikawa diagrams are also known as fishbone diagrams or Cause-Effect Analysis. An action and corrective steps will be easier to take if the root cause of the problem has been found.
Keywords : Distribution, Warehouse Network, Clustering, Ichikawa Diagra