The learning conditions due to the current COVID-19 pandemic require lecturers to have good digital literacy skills. The aims of this study were to: 1) describe the tools and applications used by lecturers in online learning, 2) describe digital literacy of lecturers, and 3) analyze factors related to digital literacy. This research approach uses a quantitative survey method with 49 lecturers at one of the largest Islamic religious campuses in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the tools used by lecturers in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic consist of internet-connected laptops (63.27 percent), internet-connected smartphone devices (30.61 percent), internet-connected computers (4.08 percent) , and a small percentage (2.04 percent) use internet-connected gadgets or tablets. Applications used by lecturers in learning consist of Zoom (95.92 percent), WhatsApps (89.90 percent), Google Classroom (57.14 percent) and Academic Information System or AIS (55.10 percent). 2) The lecturer's digital literacy level (63.27 percent) is in the moderate category which tends to be high with a score between 94 to 112 (94 ≤ X < 113). 3). The factor that is significantly related to the lecturer's digital literacy level is the respondent's basic income.Artikel penelitian ini menganalisis gambaran alat dan aplikasi yang digunanakan dosen dalam pembelajaran online, faktor-faktor dan tingkat literasi digital dosen di salah satu kampus agama Islam terbesar di Indonesia pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini menjadi penting karena dunia saat ini termasuk Indonesia belum terbebas dari bencana non-alam akibat pandemik COVID-19. Guna menekan penyebaran COVID-19 tersebut, maka pembelajaran di sekolah maupun perguruan tinggi masih dilakukan secara online. Kondisi tersebut mengharuskan dosen untuk segera beradaptasi dengan sistem pembelajaran menggunakan teknologi informasi yang terhubung dengan internet. Kemampuan tersebut secara sederhana diistilahkan dengan sebutan literasi digital dalam pembelajaran. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakna kuantitatif dengan metode survey kepada 49 dosen di salah satu kampus agama Islam terbesar di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alat yang digunakan dosen dalam pembelajaran online di masa pandemi COVID-19 terdiri dari laptop atau personal computer yang terhubung internet (63.27 persen), perangkat telepon pintar (smartphone) yang terhubung internet (30.61 persen), komputer atau dekstop yang terhubung internet (4.08 persen), dan sebagian kecil (2.04 persen) lainnya menggunakan gadget atau tablet yang terhubung internet. Aplikasi yang digunakan dosen dalam pembelajaran terdiri dari Zoom (95.92 persen), WhatsApps (89.90 persen), Google Classroom (57.14 persen) dan Academic Information System atau AIS (55.10 persen). Pendapatan pokok responden adalah faktor yang berhubungan nyata dengan tingkat literasi digital dosen. Adapun tingkat literasi digital dosen (63.27 persen) tergolong sedang cenderung tinggi dengan rentangan skor antara 94 sampai dengan 112 (94 ≤ X < 113).This research article analyzes the description of the tools and applications used by lecturers in online learning, the factors and the level of digital literacy of lecturers at one of the largest Islamic religious campuses in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is important because the world today, including Indonesia, has not been free from non-natural disasters due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to suppress the spread of COVID-19, learning in schools and universities is still carried out online. This condition requires lecturers to immediately adapt to the learning system using information technology that is connected to the internet. This ability is simply termed as digital literacy in learning. This research approach uses a quantitative survey method to 49 lecturers of the largest Islamic religious campuses in Indonesia. The results showed that the tools used by lecturers in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic consisted of personal computers connected to the internet (63.27 %), internet-connected smartphone devices (30.61 %), computers connected to the internet (4.08 %), and a small portion (2.04 %) use internet-connected gadgets or tablets. Applications used by lecturers in learning consist of Zoom (95.92 %), WhatsApp (89.90 %), Google Classroom (57.14 %) and the Academic Information System or AIS (55.10 %). The respondent's basic income is a factor that is significantly related to the level of digital literacy of lecturers. The level of digital literacy of lecturers (63.27 %) is classified as moderate and tends to be high with a score range between 94 to 112 (94 X < 113)