Emergent structure and dynamics of tropical forest-grassland landscapes


It is thought that tropical forests can exist as an alternative stable state to savanna [1,2]. Therefore, perturbation by climate change or human impact may lead to crossing of a tipping point beyond which there is rapid large-scale forest dieback that is not easily reversed [3-5]. Empirical evidence for bistability due to fire-vegetation feedbacks relies on tree cover bimodality in satellite-observed data [1,2], but this may also be explained by spatial heterogeneity [6], or by biases in the data [7,8]. Theoretical evidence for bistability [9-11] does not consider the interaction of fire with the vegetation landscape. Focusing on landscapes consisting of tropical forest and grassland, we show that the microscopic rules of fire and vegetation spread (as proposed by [12]) lead to an emergent relation between macroscopic forest structure and dynamics. This relation defines a landscape-scale balance equation of forest area change in which the forest perimeter determines the nonlinearity in forest growth while the forest perimeter weighted by adjacent grassland area determines the nonlinearity in forest loss. We demonstrate that our equation enables analysis of resilience or abrupt shifts for a given landscape, using only the landscape state at a single point in time and measurable parameters of the underlying microscopic spatial processes, thereby avoiding the problems associated with reliance on bimodality

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