Evaluation of shallow residential soils : arsenic mine site, Town of Kent, Putnam County, New York EPA facility id: Nyd982531469


The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) requested that the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) evaluate soil samples collected in 2017 and 2018 at residential properties on the USEPA Arsenic Mine Site in Kent, Putnam County, New York. The USEPA collected samples to determine the extent of arsenic in residential soils and whether prompt action is needed to reduce harmful exposures to arsenic-contaminated soils and mine tailings. The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) reviewed the soil data collected by the USEPA and evaluated the public health implications of the contamination. This health consultation formalizes the NYSDOH\u2019s evaluation of the data, and this health consultation was prepared under a cooperative agreement with ATSDR.The intent of this health consultation is to ensure that residents have the best information possible about how environmental contaminants might affect their health. A health consultation provides advice on specific public health effects that could occur following human exposure to a hazardous material. The evaluation of arsenic contaminated soil at select residential properties forms the basis for the conclusions and recommendations in this health consultation. The evaluation does not consider other possible sources of arsenic exposure such as inhalation of arsenic contaminated soil or dust, consumption of untreated drinking water, consumption of home raised animal products, or consumption of fruits and vegetables grown in contaminated soil. Consideration of these additional potential exposure pathways may likely support and strengthen the conclusions and recommendations contained in this health consultation.Arsenic_Mine_HC-508.pdf2019655

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