Cooperative Trees by Adding Inosculated and Discrete Definitions to a DLA Design


This paper presents a method to generate free-form branched structures from a small number of different constructive elements, based on the postulates of discrete or combinatorial design. The research is based on the study of fractal growth as a generator of complex tree-like structures, using references from other scientific approaches in which the possibilities of the DLA (diffusion-limited aggregation) model have been explored. The proposed method uses the Grasshopper visual programming language, and incorporates new topological strategies to improve the performance or robustness of the system through tree-tree (inosculation) and tree-soil (aerial roots) cooperations. The simulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method and its potential for the construction of structures with complex geometries from a discrete set of knots and bars and bioinspired strategies. The paper includes a review of the chosen design principles, the developed methodology and a recent physical test in Medellín (Colombia)

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