Polymeric Scaffolds for Dental Pulp Tissue Engineering: A Review


Objectives: The purpose of this review is to describe recent developments in pulp tissue engineering using scaffolds and/or stem cells. It is crucial to understand how this approach can revitalize damaged dentin-pulp tissue. Widespread scaffold materials, both natural and synthetic, and their fabrication methods, and stem-progenitor cells with the potential of pulp regeneration will be discussed. Data and Sources: A review of literature was conducted through online databases, including MEDLINE by using the PubMed search engine, Scopus, and the Cochrane Library. Study Selection: Studies were selected based on relevance, with a preference given to recent research, particularly from the past decade. Conclusions: The use of biomaterial scaffolds and stem cells can be safe and potent for the regeneration of pulp tissue and re-establishment of tooth vitality. Natural and synthetic polymers have distinct advantages and limitations and in vitro and in vivo testing have produced positive results for cell attachment, proliferation, and angiogenesis. The type of biomaterial used for scaffold fabrication also facilitates stem cell differentiation into odontoblasts and the resulting biochemistry of tissue repair for each polymer and cell type was discussed. Multiple methods of scaffold design exist for pulp tissue engineering, which demonstrates the variability in tissue engineering applications in endodontics. This review explains the potential of evidence-based tissue engineering strategies and outcomes in pulp regeneration. © 2019 The Academy of Dental Material

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