Data-assisted modeling of complex chemical and biological systems


Complex systems are abundant in chemistry and biology; they can be multiscale, possibly high-dimensional or stochastic, with nonlinear dynamics and interacting components. It is often nontrivial (and sometimes impossible), to determine and study the macroscopic quantities of interest and the equations they obey. One can only (judiciously or randomly) probe the system, gather observations and study trends. In this thesis, Machine Learning is used as a complement to traditional modeling and numerical methods to enable data-assisted (or data-driven) dynamical systems. As case studies, three complex systems are sourced from diverse fields: The first one is a high-dimensional computational neuroscience model of the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus of the human brain, where bifurcation analysis is performed by simply probing the system. Then, manifold learning is employed to discover a latent space of neuronal heterogeneity. Second, Machine Learning surrogate models are used to optimize dynamically operated catalytic reactors. An algorithmic pipeline is presented through which it is possible to program catalysts with active learning. Third, Machine Learning is employed to extract laws of Partial Differential Equations describing bacterial Chemotaxis. It is demonstrated how Machine Learning manages to capture the rules of bacterial motility in the macroscopic level, starting from diverse data sources (including real-world experimental data). More importantly, a framework is constructed though which already existing, partial knowledge of the system can be exploited. These applications showcase how Machine Learning can be used synergistically with traditional simulations in different scenarios: (i) Equations are available but the overall system is so high-dimensional that efficiency and explainability suffer, (ii) Equations are available but lead to highly nonlinear black-box responses, (iii) Only data are available (of varying source and quality) and equations need to be discovered. For such data-assisted dynamical systems, we can perform fundamental tasks, such as integration, steady-state location, continuation and optimization. This work aims to unify traditional scientific computing and Machine Learning, in an efficient, data-economical, generalizable way, where both the physical system and the algorithm matter

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