Implementation of Evaluating Bridge Behavior Using Ultra-High-Resolution Next-Generation Digital Image Correlation (DIC): Applications in Bridge Inspection and Damage Assessment, Final Report [Project Title from Cover]


5-6950-01The Civil Infrastructure Vision (CIV) system is an integrated software/hardware system is based on principles of Digital Image Correlation (DIC) developed at UTSA for TxDOT. The system can be used to monitor surface deformations on bridges to accuracies on the order of 1/1,000th in. Project objectives included training DOT on using the system during load testing and processing the resulting deformation data. Ten bridges were load tested over a period of one year using CIV. Throughout this project, procedural improvements were made to accelerate load testing and minimize traffic disruptions. In the end, the team was able to complete the full process, from arriving to a site through finishing repacking equipment, in less than two hours. This allowed up to three load tests in one day; a much faster process than using traditional instruments, with which a load test could take several days and require direct access to a bridge underside

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