ORBi in orbit, a user-oriented IR for multiple wins: why scholars take a real part in the success story...


The University of Liège's institutional repository, ORBi (Open Repository and Bibliography, http://orbi.ulg.ac.be), was officially launched in November 2008. Barely fourteen months later (February 2010), it already contained more than 30,000 bibliographic references with more than 20,000 full texts available. In other words, this represents a growth of more than about 65 new references a day, which is appreciable for a medium-sized university (17,000 students, 2,700 scholars, about 3,500 new publications/year). According to ROAR (http://roar.eprints.org), ORBi is the second institutional repository (for a total of 930) in high activity level (i.e. number of days with more than 100 archived references a day). Furthermore, all these records were archived by the Institution authors themselves, there was neither batch archiving nor mass validation. What are the reasons that may explain such a success

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